Crew Design is the joint collaboration of four young graphic designers living across the United States. Sarah, Tess, Meghan and Meghan (yes, there are two Meghans) met in 2002 in the College of Fine Arts, at Boston University. Among the crazy artist types that populated the school we met and soon became friends sharing the common interest of art and design. Years of critiques, crazy professors, travels abroad, and stressful nights ending in x-acto knife injuries bonded us for life. In 2006, we graduated and set out to pursue careers in graphic design. Adult life kicked in and soon enough we were living and working all across the United States.
Where did the name Crew Design originate from?
Back in our school days the four of us were practically inseparable around the College of Fine Arts. Somewhere along the way the nickname “the Crew” caught on ... and we gladly embraced it. So “Crew Design” just seemed like the natural name for our collaborative blog.
(No, we were not on the Crew team. But that would’ve been cool.)
Which Crew member belongs to which city?
Tess and Meghan B decided to set down some roots in Boston after college. Sarah took a leap and moved to Austin, Texas. And California native Meghan (Colvin) couldn’t handle the cold Boston winters and made her way back to San Francisco.
We are currently all working as graphic designers in each respective city.
Why did you decide to start a blog?
Since graduating from BU the “real world” struck hard and soon we hardly found the time to talk, let alone share any design insights with one another. So one day over a gChat conversation the idea of starting a blog was born. We all read design blogs on a daily basis, so why not write our own? Within about a day our blog was up and running and now we kind of can’t get enough of it (and ourselves).
What is the purpose of the blog?
The purpose of our blog is to serve as a forum and community where designers (not just us) can discuss interesting, relevant design and art. Our emphasis is on graphic design, however, we are not limited to this. We hope to gain a broad perspective on all areas of design – fashion, interior, product design, etc. The world of design has endless possibilities.
I am not a designer. Will I still enjoy reading your blog?
Why yes! We sure hope so. Our ultimate goal is to bring our insights on design to EVERYONE... not just artists and designers. We hope that you’ll come into the office in the morning, sit back with a cup of coffee, and get your morning dose of Crew Design. Oh, but check back in the afternoon, too. With four of us working on this blog we’re fortunate to have multiple posts throughout the day. ••••
Nice meeting you all during you Austin visit, sorry that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I'll be seeing a few of you around town. Like the blog!
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