Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WTF Kraft?

Someone working for Kraft Foods is drinking the Kool-Aid again. A mere five months after launching this logo:

...Kraft has modified their whimsical burst of color and shapes to this:

Why? Why? Why, Kraft Foods? What is this new iteration of the logo going to do for your brand that the (five month old) logo didn't do? Maybe do a little more brand research and customer focus groups before you roll out a new logo that quite frankly didn't need to be re branded in the first place. Bring back the old!


Tess Mattern said...

WTF is right... I am confused by this decision, to say the least. The new logo and the "old" logo are idential "concepts" (quotation marks very necessary). The reasoning for this re-branding is beyond me!

Meghan B said...

They desperately needed gradients. Someone lost the initial email that said "this logo needs gradients. We are all paying the price...

Anonymous said...

the whole reason for the new logo is because the initial (5 month old) logo they produced was very similar to a rival company.

Still I dont know why they like this whole starburst thing going on - obviously didnt see the creative review logo guidelines for this year -->