Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Horrible Logos

Craigslist Ad: $100 to design our company's logo!

I believe it's safe to say that all designers all appalled by the minimal prices that company's try to pay for a decent logo. Do people really not understand how long a logo takes to design or do they not see the value in a well designed logo?

That being said, I love the idea of Horrible Logos. The company's tagline says it all: Drawing bad logos for beer money since 2010. This is a craigslist company's dream come true! For only $5, you will receive the worst possible logo imaginable. Bonus features include no color and misspellings. Payment is simple...hello Pay Pal. Delivery even better...3-4 business days. You can't beat that!

The moral of story: You get what you pay for. ••••


Meghan B said...

I like how 2 cops wanted logos.
Crew redesign?

Tess Mattern said...

I just want to know what kind of business "Ape Legal" does. Page 3.