Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Funny Because It's True.

This video from Portlandia may be making the rounds on the internet—I haven't had the chance to extensively explore design blogs to find out—but I just had to post it regardless of over-exposure. I think every designer has been guilty of this one—I definitely have—but we need to be able to laugh at ourselves, right? It's too funny not to.

On a related note, I was reminded by this of a link I saw quite some time ago but never posted on. We live in such a connected world that you can't help but be affected by ideas you see floating around on the internet. You would need to live in a vacuum not to be. Two designers, Elliot Scott and Christopher Doyle, created a book entitled This Year I Will Try Not To— designed to inspire us to avoid trends in favor of true innovation. Resist the urge to "Create collages of solar systems, triangles, and wistful looking European Women." But I am still carrying my Crew tote to work every day. Because it is awesome. ••••

1 comment:

Clipping Design said...

Really it's so funny. Thanks for sharing... :)
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