Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Juno Title Sequence

Juno was one of my favorite movies this past year. Probably because I was hooked immediately by the unbelievably unique and innovative opening graphics. Thanks to the How Magazine blog I was able to find out a little bit more about this. The opening title sequence was designed by Shadowplay Studio. And for an even better peak inside the design process view this collection of photos on flikr showing the step by step process by the creative team responsible. I love that they actually sketched, cut, pasted and went back to the basics to create this amazing imagery. Proof that even in a digital age, as designers, we can get back to our roots and let our true artistic sides shine through. ••••

1 comment:

Meghan B said...

The opening credits, to me, was the best part of the movie...burn! (I didn't like it)