Monday, September 29, 2008

Battery Reef

I love the use of batteries as a medium for this sculpture by Michel de Broin. Great way to recycle and create art.

"Dead Star is made from residual battery at the end of their duty. Left to itself, the sculpture will slowly cool down since there is no longer electronic activity taking place in it. The hundreds of batteries were once used to power appliances before they finish their cycle in a recycle facility. Retrieve from death, they were assembled again in this whole structure."


Sarah Cowen said...

This looks really cool. Will the batteries start leaking after awhile though? I feel like I've found batteries in drawers that get all crusty because they've leaked...I don't think that's safe. Perhaps that will enhance this art?

Meghan B said...

These are really really great. I love the forms and the patterns these little batteries create. Don't batteries freak you out sometimes?