Monday, September 22, 2008

MAC: 12,629,003 PC:1

In the interest of fairness after my post on the Microsoft Seinfeld ad, I need to give it up for a PC commercial that actually doesn't suck. In fact, I think its pretty good. Not "makes me want to buy a PC good," but good nonetheless. As two of my Crew members noted in the earlier post, the MAC v. PC concept has been exhausted, and Microsoft knew just when to pounce on the growing weakness of those tired commercials. You win this one, Gates... •••


Sarah Martin said...

I was literally sitting on my couch watching TV last night...saw that ad, and said out loud, "wow that is the fisrt PC commerical that itsn't terrible"

Good timing.

Meghan B said...

I actually love this commercial. It is such a great response to Mac's downer image of the PC. Also, I secretly love Bill Gates.

Chrissy said...

I also just saw this ad on TV for the first time last night, I liked it! So yeah, score ONE for PC.