I've been scouring the web, and Mall Discount Liquors on Harvard Ave., for inspiration. I absolutely love the vintage look of a beer like Anchor Steam (and just take a look at their original label. Gorgeous!). But when the time comes to make my own, I don't think I will be able to resist trying my hand at a more current approach. Two of my favorite takes: some very handsome, textural labels designed by the Austin's Ptarmak (below, top, via Ubersuper), and a sleeker, graphic approach by Brandhouse (below, bottom, via the dieline).

Ever bought a six pack for the label alone? Share your favorites in the comments! Also, quick plug here for the Brooklyn Brew Shop, whose amazing kits and well-designed branding have inspired me to get brewing! ••••
Crew, Design and Beer. Tess, you've hit the trifecta!
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